CAN Bus Testing and Serial Decoding

PICO-PP619 CAN Test Box

The CAN Bus Test Box connects to a vehicle᾿s OBD II / EOBD connector and lets you easily diagnose electrical faults.

Have a look at Test 9: CAN Bus - one of the Top Ten Tests. Also, go to the Product page for more detailed information and pricing.

CAN Fault Detection and Reverse Engineering

Steve uses PicoScope 7 to find wiring faults using the Maths Channel, Masks and Actions. Using reverse engineering techniques, he identifies the ECUs present on the network. He then uses a current clamp to measure the direction of the CAN message current which allows him to determine which ECU is sending the message. Finally, he uses the filtering in PicoScope 7 to monitor a bit-change, within a CAN packet, when the break pedal is depressed. He also measures the latency - the time between the depression of the pedal and the message with the changed bit appearing on the CAN network.

Running time: 31min 27sec.

Video Presentation

Barney and Steve will describe the PicoScope features and techniques that you use to help you diagnose faults in CAN bus systems. Firstly, they will show you how to check the network physically and find common circuit faults. Then they will explore PicoScope's serial data decoding feature and how it can be used to examine CAN communications.

Running time: 1hr 14min.


Barney, Steve and Ben will be answering questions that were asked during and after the "Pico Practical: CAN Bus Diagnostics and Serial Data Decoding" presentation.

Running time: 55min.